Time for a French versus American dessert distinction!! A macaroon and macaron are nowhere near the same thing!!! For starters, one can be a sybol of the artistic simplicty that defines French pastries while a macaroon is a small heap of ingredients that happen to go together. Crunchy and crisp on the outside, while chewy and flavorful on the inside, a French Macaron is a sandwich like pastry made with two almond meringue cookies filled with butter cream. In North America, macaroon cookies are generally composed of coconut, piped out of a star-shaped tip, and half-dipped in chocolate. So I beg you! Stop butchering the French language with mis-pronounciations and remember the difference between a macaron and a macaroon!!! I did some surfing on the inter-webs and discovered the Pamplemousse Bakery that makes 35 flavors of macarons! (Pamplemousse is French for grapefruit btw. Oh and their website is pamplemoussecakes.com) Which I shall now list and include some pictures of: Amaretto, Anise, Butter Rum, Caramel, Cassis (Black Currant), Coconut, Coffee, Fig, Green Tea, Gingerbread, Hazelnut, Key Lime, Lavender Vanilla, Macadamia Nut, Mango, Mayan Chocolate, Mocha, Neapolitan, Orange Blossom, Grapefruit, Passion Fruit, Peach, Pistachio, Pomegranate, Pumpkin Spice, Raspberry, Rose, Saffron, Swiss Plum , Vanilla, Violet, Yuzu (Japanese Lemon), Chocolate, Chocolate Chili, Chocolate Earl Grey, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Orange.

The very un-romantic and non-creative macaroon...

Umm..blueberry flavored?? 0.o

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