Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 24: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!!!

Usher in the ear of busy-ness (not to be confused with business). In a couple of hours I shall commence my journey to the South!!! I'll be including some Southern Cusine reviews and recipes in the following weeks and may even include some college tips or to. Right now time feels somewhat surreal to me. I knew that my life would eventually take me to college but I never thought I'd live to see the day. Yet here I am, suitcases packed, clothes folded, and shipping off to a foreign land (so to speak). Anyway, I figured since I was still up and might not get time to do a post later today I might as well write a random post. And without further ado...the weird and wacky world of ice cream!

In the fifth century BC, ancient Greeks sold snow cones mixed with honey and fruit in the markets of Athens. Persians, having mastered the storage of ice, ate ice cream well into summer. Roman emperor Nero (37–68) had ice brought from the mountains and combined with fruit toppings. Who knew that iced and frozen treats could be traced back so far in history!!

While it goes without saying that the Japanese are masters at innovative and unique technology, it seems they've incorporated those innocation skills in to the culinary art of ice creaming. (Yes I made up that word...Ice Creaming: noun, the process by which an ice cream maker combines various ingredients with the basic starters of any typical non-unique flavor.) I must say even a culinary accepter of all things food would have a difficult time licking the drippings of any of these flavors!

-Ox Toungue-
-Sweet Potato-
-Koshihikari Rice-
-Nagoya Noodle-
-Chicken Wing-
-Raw Horseradish-
-Shark Fin-
-Deep Sea Water-
-Lettuce & Potato-
-Curdled Bean-
-Potato Liquor-
-Red Wine-
-Cherry Blossom-
-Soy Sauce-
-Pit Viper-
-Indian Curry-
-Chili Pepper-
-Miso Ramen-
-Cheese Risotto-
-Natural Salt-
-Grated Yam-
-Cream Cheese-
-Squid Gut-
-Squid Ink-
-Char Grilled Seaweed-
-Hot Spring Water-
-Dracula Cool Garlic Mint-
-Unpolished Rice-
-Pickled Plum-
-Collagen Lemon-

While I personally would try most of these flavors…the award for “Icre Cream that I would only ingest if I was Bound and Gagged” goes to Pit Viper Ice Cream and Ox Tongue Ice Cream! Congratulation to the pair! ….>_>

That’s not to say Japan is the only country with a bit of a wacky creamery. A shop in Merida, Venezula has some interesting flavors too…

-Sphagetti Bolognaise-
-Tuna Fish-
-Fried Pork Rind-
-Beet & Corn-
Flavors of Taiwan…
-Tuna & Seaweed-
-Peanuts & Wine-
-Pineapple Shrimp-
-Mango Seaweed-
Great Britain…
-Stilton Cheese-

Even the good ol’ USA…these make me want to give back the fact that I’m a natural born American...

-Tri Pepper-
-Chicken Fried Steak-
-Chunky Bacon-
-Barbeque Sauce-
-Mushroom Pecan-
-Chocolate Garlic-
-Bay Leaf-
-Potatoes & Bacon-

…The third winner of my “Will Not Eat” award goes to any bacon-containing frozen treat!

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