...And what candy says circus more than the old-fashioned circus-peanuts! Circus Peanuts are a peanut-shaped marshmallow candy invented in the 1800s. Although the most popular variety of mass-produced Circus Peanuts today are orange-colored with an artificial banana flavor, confectioners originally distributed an orange-flavored variety that was only available seasonally. The leading producers of Circus Peanuts are Melster Candies, Spangler Candy Company, and Brach's Confections, but they produce an essentially identical product. Circus Peanuts sold in generic label bags in retail stores such as convenience stores, grocery stores, and drug stores are almost always manufactured by one of the three candy companies listed above, simply sold in a generic package. My favorite time to eat these peanuts is when they're slightly old and have developed a harder texture. The worst and best thing about these is that they're not too sickening so they're easy to keep eating and eating. So I sugges purchasing a smaller package or else face the temptation to eat the entire bag! >_<
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