Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 2: Recipes I've Actually Tried!

The moment you've all been waiting for...recipes that I've actually made and can therefore assure are absolutely scrumptious. First let's start with a recipe from Williams-Sonoma. I actually attended a cooking class at one of the stores about three years ago. It was strictly on baking and best of all I was the only one in the class. What's so great about that?? I got to take most of the food home!!! I was taught how to make walnut coffee bread, cherry turnover, mixed berry muffins, brown sugar blondies, and ginger apricot scones. I was in heaven!! And being the nerdy foodie that I am, I took extensive notes. The chef in charge had never seen such a studious baker (or at least that's what she told me). Anyway I will inlude all these recipes, pictures of the reipes, and a taste description that's hopefully capable of making you drool on your keyboard! (Scratch that, that's gross. Replace with motivating you to go straight to your kitchen and make one of these delicous treats) I'll post them in the order that I made them. And because I havn't quite mastered this whole blog site whatchmacallit, I'm going to post each one seperately.

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