Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm Nene...nice to meet ya ^_^

What's my purpose in doing this you may ask? It's quite simple...for the pure heck of it. And while I humor myself with this rather useless rambling, I may just make a new friend or two. But for now, allow me to introduce myself...***** ********. Yep! That's my name! Don't wear it out! But for all itensive purposes (in other words the warnings I have recieved in the past about displaying personal information on the world wide web) let's stick to my code name..."Nene." Now let me tell you a little about my interests and hobbies. My first being baking, cooking, and all that lies in between. My second and conveniently enough highly rated interest numero dos? Eating! Then comes the travelling interests...wanting to move back to New York (my place of origin), wanting to travel to Japan (my place of future residence), and my not-yet experience adventures in New Orleans (my unavodiable soon-to-be current residence.) The following is a short and sweet list of my less socially acceptable interests: reading, arguing, going to comic conventions, playing video games, pouring over cookbooks while not even making anything, absorbing so much cultural information on Japanese life that my name might as well be Yuki (or whatever female Japanese name comes to mind), and of course...sin of all sins...I LOVE MANGA! So there you go, me in a nutshell...Intelligent, tennis-playing, baker by day and dorky manga-obsessed, Japanese wanna-be by night. But hey, doesn't everyone have their issues? Anyway...let me be straight up with you. I have absloutely no idea what my posts will be about from now on, my format, my topics, all a mystery to me. But if you have any interest at all in the topics I've mentioned the by all means stick around. If this isn't your thing please exit the theatre quietly, throw away all candy-wrappers and popcorn buckets, and get the heck off of my blog! (Please excuse the harsh language..It is my duty to make you aware that as with any human being there rests an angel on my right shoulder and a devil on my left. Every once in a while the devil likes to have a turn.) Well...th-th-th-tha-that's all folks! ^o^ I can promise you that my next blog will include a witty anecdote and a scruptious recipe!

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