Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 4: Kawaii Japanese Toys!

At a used Japanese bookstore I picked up a magazine by the name of "Princess Quanto." Unfortunately the entire thing is is Japanese but the pictures are descriptive enough that I can figure out what the toys can do. I only have one is it fair that Japanese toys are so darn cute!!! Not only are they cute but they have an entire genre dedicated to food-making and decorating toys!!
I mean what do we have in America?!! The stupid easy bake oven with the 100 watt lightbulb that takes 18 hours to cook a 3-inch high chocolate cake. So I visited,, and (entirely Japanese of course) and was sad to see that the food toy genres generally fell under the girls' category. What's up with that? Guys can't cook? What about Bobby Flay, Mario Batali, Alton Brown, and Guy Fieri??...then again they may not have Food Network...oh but wait! What about Morimoto?? The point is guys cook too people! Then again I guess guys do, but boys don't...excuse my gender equality discussion...

So! Toy #1!
As far as I can tell this is a cupcake baking and decorating kit. Complete with an accessory plate to make animal and fruit-shaped cakes. And get use the microwave (a real cooking device) to make these.

Toy #2!
Nothing too special...Wilton makes a small fondue pot that's pretty similar to this. But it's still cute.

Toy #3!
Cream Puff Maker...correction...MINI cream puff maker..I'm a fan of the swan

Toy #4!
Whipped Cream Maker. I doubt this works that well and I'm sure it takes a lot more time than using a can of RediWhip.

Toy #5!
Pudding Maker. Very Cute egg-shaped device. I've never tried any flan or egg-based custard although I have tried creme brulee....It didn't exactly set and I sadly did not have enough money for a mini blow-torch so I had to use the broiler...

Toy #6!
Ice Cream Pop Maker. Sure we have those cheap plastic pop-stick molds available at your local grocery store and megamart but are they character or animal-shaped? I think not!

Toy #7!
Now this is awesome! As far as I can tell this is some sort of noodle-making device. And those intent on consuming the noodles pick them up with the cho-sticks as they fall down the slide. It looks like a mini noodle water park paradise!

Toy #8!
Bread Maker. One of my favorite things about Japanese Breads are the many varieties and shapes they are available in. This toy allows you to create all those cute animals and shapes!

Toy #9!
Gyoza/Dumpling Maker and Sushi Maker. Now to me this doesn't seem like a toy..this just seems like a practival way to avoid the mess and time needed to make prefect dumplings and sushi rolls. And the sushi designs you can make are remarkable! I've never see heart-shaped sushi at any sushi bar here!

Toy #10
Crepe & Doughnut Maker

Toy #11!
Sandwich Presser...Using this would put a new spin on a PB&J, BLT, or a chicken salad. Just imagine a BLT with two slices of toast in the shape of a chibi pig!! Now there's a way to remind you that you're about to consume the parts of a poor, innocent animal. (I'm not a vegitarian. In fact, I love me some red meat but I still feel sorry for the animals. When I was at a lecture at DU featuring the Dahli Llama. He said he didn't feel guilty at about eating a McyDs hamburger or two as long as he was not the one responsible for killing the animal.)

Toy #12!
Mock Pocky Maker. Ok I'm not really sure what this is...they look like pocky sticks yet they're slices of bread dipped in chocolate. So I'll let you decide for yourself what this is.


  1. that noodal machine cracks me up!!!XD i really wan 2 have a go at that cream puff maker - or should i say MINI cream puff maker... ^-^thanks 4 posting.

  2. so cutee.... I want to buy bread maker,where I can buy the item?I try to open the store but I don't understand japanese language.

  3. wow! im really hungry right now thank you for sharing such cute things!

  4. woah 0_o really cute and delicious.

  5. totally made me hungry!

  6. OMG ! i want this ! all of this :3
